1236 D Street
Ramona, CA 92065
24/7 Customer Support
Mon - Sat: 6am-6pm
Sundays 11am - 4pm
Ramona, CA 92065
24/7 Customer Support
Sundays 11am - 4pm
“Not a Hospital, Never a Nursing-Home, and No Way an Institution.
This place feels like home!” – Quote from long time resident Gloria
A new licensed care facility is NOW OPEN in Ramona, bringing 15 years of Elderly healthcare experience to a new state-of-the-art building. Our care program, designed on a promise of affordability, simplicity, and respect, delivers the quality care that our seniors deserve. Licensed by the California Department of Social Service Health Code-22, this unique care home is designed for efficient and maximum care delivery. The home is equipped with 32 rooms, a library, beauty salon, laundry services, commercial kitchen, and central dining for 28 residents. This program offers complete assistance with daily living, along with ample social activities. Come see for yourself – the difference in care. Please call for a competitive monthly rent and a personal tour.
Wellness is truly a combination of environment, body, mind and spirit that explains the human experience. Wellness is more than exercise; it is a perspective with a positive outlook and a can-do-attitude. Our program involves exercise, lifelong learning, innovative therapy, spirituality and most importantly right kind and right dose of medications.
Our program designed by a UCSD trained physician, keeps elderly fundamental needs in mind, and focuses on protective freedoms with right amount of care. This program enables our seniors to prolong their ability to participate in normal rhythms
of daily living.
Not true. Light physical workout such as Chair Dancing, Tai Chi, Yoga or Water Aerobics promotes balance, flexibility and body strength.
A host of enabling activities like Bingo, cards, puzzles, trivia games and memory recall, coupled with outdoor field trips, musical shows, youth involvement, spiritual services, pet therapy and
informative lecture series.
Due to caring for a diverse resident population with different dietary limitations, our menu preparation is done in collaboration with the residents, their families, employees and an expert dietitian.
Our food is heart healthy, low fat and diabetic friendly. We use natural ingredients to improve digestive system and regularity in seniors.
Our Chef goes to market every day to find fresh ingredients and makes home-style food for elderly temperament. The menu is designed with special attention to the elderly dietary needs.
To keep the atmosphere bustling with enjoyment, we arrange various events at our facilities.We have regularly scheduled music events performed by various artists also include performance by local school students and churches. We also ensure that our clients get the comfort they deserve by making our events, relaxing and pleasurable at the same time.